Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I'm Back!!

OK....I am back. Finally. I seriously have not been that sick in forever. It was terrible. So sick to my stomach that I could not keep anything down. I was so weak because I hadn't eaten in 4 was a vicious cycle. I hope that that is behind us now and no one close to me catches it!!

I have to say that the timing on me getting sick could NOT have been any worse. We had the extra baby (from last Wednesday until yesterday)...and poor Ryan, my mom, and sister were stuck taking turns taking care of all 3 of us. Man, it was no good.

BUT, Ryan did snap a few pictures of the boys while I was laying in bed dying. I started to feel ill Saturday afternoon and it go bad Saturday night. ALL day Sunday I was Ryan had both boys.

Blake was actually pretty good with Dylan around. He had a couple of jealousy issues...but really nothing major. More than anything he just wanted to play with him and couldn't figure out why Dylan wouldn't chase him around the house!!
On Monday Ryan had to work, so my mom came in and helped me. We actually took Blake to his daycare to keep him in his my mom had to take care of me and Dylan...
On Tuesday I was STILL not ready for work. My mom came in, since Tuesday's are her usual mornings with Blake anyway. She had both boys in the a.m. At 1 she took Blake to his other babysitter (regular routine) and then I was feeling batter so I could handle little Dylan on my own!
We got out a lot of the the toys that Blake has outgrown, and he was very glad to see them. He took to sitting in his bumbo again (which he hasn't done in about a year)...also his little vibrating chair. He is so slim that he still fits in everything...but it is funny to see.
We hooked the Johnny-Jump-Up back up for Dylan to try. He really enjoyed that. Blake thought that he wanted in I let him test it out. He quickly realized that it wasn't as fun now that he could was actually more like a harness and held him in one spot...haha is back to just the 3 of us now...and I am feeling better....all I can say is thank goodness for my hubby and my family! I couldn't NOT have done it without them!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sick, sick, sick!!

I have been sick since Saturday evening! I hardly ever get sick, but I caught something. Not sure if it was a bug or something that I ate…but I have been sick to my stomach for days. I think that I am finally turning the corner. I feel quite a bit better this afternoon. Hopefully I am back to work (and blogging) tomorrow! This being sick is for the birds!! :(


Friday, March 26, 2010

6 Months

I blog about Blake ALL of the time. After our wedding I decided that I would devote my post on the 26th of each month (our anniversary) to my hubs. Well….today is our 6 month wedding anniversary…My plan is to write about one of the things that I LOVE about Ryan!

I've said it before...and I will say it again. I LOVE that Ryan is such a great dad. He is SO hand-on and does so much for Blake and with Blake. They are two "peas in a pod"! It is awesome that he never hesitates to change a diaper, feed, wake up in the night (thankfully we don't have to do this with B anymore), play hide and seek, snuggle...the list goes on and on. Watching Ryan with our baby makes me love him that much more!!

AND, this week we have an extra baby. We have baby Dylan (my friend Erica's 4 month old) while his parents are in Jamaica. Ryan helps so much with him too...what a guy. I am so blessed to have him. Wow...can't believe that it has been 6 months of wedded bliss :)....the time sure does go fast!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Changing of the Seasons

Spring has sprung here in mid-Michigan. The ice is off the that means that the dock is in! On Sunday we went to my parents house and helped to get the dock in the water (well....Ryan, not me).
Blake really enjoyed being outside. I am so glad that he likes it because we spend tons of time outside when the weather is nice.
Here he is exploring the yard. My dad likes to be the first house with the dock in the can see the neighbors in the background is still up on the beach! We beat them :)
My dad and Ryan working in the background, with Blake still exploring in the foreground.
My sister watched from inside the wasn't quite warm enough for her yet....but Blake went up on the deck to check on her!
Worker men...
My cute boys after a job well done!
Now we just need it to warm up so we can get the boat in and head out for a ride!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wedding Wednesday

Posting some more wedding pictures. So hard for me to believe that we have been married for almost 6 months. The day seems like it was just yesterday...however looking at the pictures makes me realize that it was a long time ago! Blake looks so tiny. He has changed so much in these past 6 months!

Here we are getting the little peanut ready! He was sleeping in his car seat until just before pictures. We didn't want to wake him, so we all had to hurry and get him changed.
Here is my mom, Blake, and myself putting the finishing touched on the little handsome devil!
He makes me so happy. I could just look at him for forever!!
The love of my life!! I love this picture!!
We aren't a traditional family, in that we had Blake 9 months before we got married....but having him there at our wedding made the day that much more meaningful for Ryan and I. And it was the day that I got to take the same last name as the 2 men in my life :)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Top 2 Tuesdays: things you cant live without

Tuesday again, so Taylor is hosting:

Top 2 things you cant live without

(ok....these are not my TOP2, I am not thinking along the lines of Ryan, Blake, family, faith, food, water, roof overe our head, etc.)
1. Lipstick/Lip gloss

I seriously HAVE to wear lipstick all of the time. My lips feel naked without something on them. I am not one for just clear chap stick either...I like color and shine! Lipstick makes such a difference in my appearance. I have pretty small lips, so they need a pop of color!! I typically where both stick and gloss at the same time...a bottom layer of lipstick and a top coat of shiny gloss!! I reapply frequently throughout the day!!

2. Caffeine!
I wake up and have coffee.....I drink coffee until lunch time, and then I switch to diet coke. Pretty much have caffeine ALL DAY LONG. I don't function well without it! I had a hard time when I was preggers for Blake...I had to switch to tea and caffeine free diet coke...just not the same!! I KNOW that I should be drinking water....but I just love my coffee and dc!!

Hop over here for more!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Wine Tasting Weekend

On Saturday Ryan and I went north to Traverse City to meet our friends who live there. We went wine tasting in the Leelenau Peninsula.....warning....there are lots f pictures!!

Here are the girls (me, Kellianne, and Heather) on our way to the first stop! The first tasting room and the boys are looking rowdy already....
Here is the group after our first stop. I think that this one was North Peak.
Here we are at the second stop. Gill's Pier.
Joel, Heather, Kellianne, Erik, me, Ryan, and Aaron
The girls at Blackstar Farms...
It was so bright. We couldn't open our eyes!!
We tried again, but it didn't work any better!!
Me and my Ryan at Blackstar.
Heather decided to ride the cow before we stops in and we were getting silly!!
The last group picture that we got of the day.
The boys at the Leelenau Tasting Room.
We must have liked this place....we left with a whole case of wine!!
Pretty Kellianne posing by a wall of the wine!
After tasting we went to dinner and then to a couple of bars. It was a long fun day. The weather turned out pretty perfect, considering they were calling for snow. We had sunny skies and decent temps.
We were SO ready to get home to our Blake on Sunday morning, but it was a fun adult get away!

Friday, March 19, 2010


SO ready for the weekend! I am excite because we are heading up to our bff Kellianne and Erik's house in Traverse City tomorrow a.m. for a mini getaway! We are dropping Blake off at Ryan's parents at about 10:30 and then heading up! We have plans to go wine tasting tomorrow afternoon. It is supposed to rain, so that is a bummer...but hopefully it doesn't. If it does, we will have fun regardless. We are going to dinner and then out downtown!! Yay!!

Here is Kellianne and I last time we were up in TC
and Heather and I on her birthday last year
And our boys!
Joel, Aaron, Ryan, and Eric
Ryan lived with these guys in college (and has known them his entire life). They are all from the same town (Aaron is just one town away so knew them in hs too). Us girls are from all over...but we all became good friends when our boys were roomies! Now they have all graduated and moved on...but we still get together often and have lots of fun together! I will try to take some pics this weekend :)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

A walk in the park!

The snow has melted and the sun is out! We can finally enjoy a walk after work. We have been out every night this week. We have a park across from our house and Blake just loves the swing!
Ryan and I have been trying to walk first and then head to the park. Blake just can't wait to get on the swing.
We have to do our walking first, because Blake throws a mini fit when we take him out of the swing, so we have to head straight home then! What a stinker.
Here we are posing for the camera! Well I am, B is more interested in looking at himself in my shades!
I wish that you could hear him. He giggles the WHOLE time. It is the cutest sound in the entire world to me. It makes me laugh just listening to him.
Blake and daddy!! So cute.

The allergy meds don't seem to be making much of a difference for poor Blaker yet, but it has only been two days. He is still congested, however the cream that we are putting on his face has cleared up the that is good! One more day till the weekend!! Yay.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wedding Wednesday

Keeping with the Wedding Wednesday tradition, here are a few pictures from our photographer.

First is sweet little Blake before the ceremony. It was only 5.5 months ago, but he looks so different to me! Even fitting into that little car seat would be impossible today...
We had to wake Blake up to get him into his suit. What a little angel. Here he is with his Aunt Dani. Dani is Ryan's little sister...a senior in HS this year!
Two little cuties. I love them.
My dad, looking handsome, getting a little help from one of my besties, Carson. Carson worked as a florist for about 10 years from high school all of the way through college and even past that for a bit. SO, she is pretty much a boutonniere expert!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

15 month well visit

Today Blake had his 15 month well visit. I took a few pictures while we were there, but have not uploaded them yet. I will do that this evening! 1st off….he was a spitfire the whole time. Thank GOD that my mother was there with me, b/c I could not have handled him on my own! He was squirmy and wiggly and the doc could barely do her check up. On top of that he bit me!! YES….bit me. For the first time…and it hurt!
His stats:
Weight 21.8 (10th percentile)
Height 31.5 (50th percentile)
Head circumference 18.5 (50th percentile)
Since he isnt gaining much weight the doc wants us to try one bottle of PediaSure a day. Hopefully that will give him the extra calories that he needs to put on some weight! What a little peanut. I told her that we do feed him….he just runs around constantly!!
He got three shots and screamed like a maniac…I suppose now that he is getting older more of that is a show and less is actually from pain.

She put him on Zyrtec (1.5 ml 1/day) for his allergies. I pray that that clears up his congestion, watery eyes, etc. Poor kid has been on 3 antibiotics and has been sick since January. I hope that this works!
We also have to treat his red cheeks with a Hydrocortisone cream and Aveno cream. She thinks that the redness may be from allergies too!!

Poor kid…if he is suffering from allergies this bad I sure do hope that he grows out of it all!! I hear that Ryan had pretty bad allergies as a kid, but now doesn’t suffer much at all from allergies (fingers crossed for Blake!).