OK....I am back. Finally. I seriously have not been that sick in forever. It was terrible. So sick to my stomach that I could not keep anything down. I was so weak because I hadn't eaten in 4 days...ughhh....it was a vicious cycle. I hope that that is behind us now and no one close to me catches it!!
I have to say that the timing on me getting sick could NOT have been any worse. We had the extra baby (from last Wednesday until yesterday)...and poor Ryan, my mom, and sister were stuck taking turns taking care of all 3 of us. Man, it was no good.
BUT, Ryan did snap a few pictures of the boys while I was laying in bed dying. I started to feel ill Saturday afternoon and it go bad Saturday night. ALL day Sunday I was out...so Ryan had both boys.
Blake was actually pretty good with Dylan around. He had a couple of jealousy issues...but really nothing major. More than anything he just wanted to play with him and couldn't figure out why Dylan wouldn't chase him around the house!!

On Monday Ryan had to work, so my mom came in and helped me. We actually took Blake to his daycare to keep him in his routine...so my mom had to take care of me and Dylan...

On Tuesday I was STILL not ready for work. My mom came in, since Tuesday's are her usual mornings with Blake anyway. She had both boys in the a.m. At 1 she took Blake to his other babysitter (regular routine) and then I was feeling batter so I could handle little Dylan on my own!

We got out a lot of the the toys that Blake has outgrown, and he was very glad to see them. He took to sitting in his bumbo again (which he hasn't done in about a year)...also his little vibrating chair. He is so slim that he still fits in everything...but it is funny to see.

We hooked the Johnny-Jump-Up back up for Dylan to try. He really enjoyed that. Blake thought that he wanted in again...so I let him test it out. He quickly realized that it wasn't as fun now that he could walk....it was actually more like a harness and held him in one spot...haha

SO....it is back to just the 3 of us now...and I am feeling better....all I can say is thank goodness for my hubby and my family! I couldn't NOT have done it without them!!