Tuesday, September 21, 2010

School Days

Here are a few more pictures that Blake's teacher has put on his classroom web page. I just love that I can see pictures of him at "school" throughout the day. It makes me feel so much better knowing that he is having fun there while I am at work!

This is Blake and his "girlfriend" Lexi. His teacher told me how fond she was of my Blake, but I wasn't so sure until I saw these sweet pictures. Every morning when I drop Blake off Lexie gets so excited and yells "BLAKE!!"....his teacher told me that she always wants to hold his hand when they are leaving the classroom..and that Blake is very patient with her and will wait for her before he leaves...awwww, what a gentleman :)
These pictures just crack me up...looks like I will have my hands fun with a little ladies man :)
Looks like Blake is having a great time here with the beach ball...they were having a beach party in the classroom this day!!
Blake and his good buddy Frank just chillin' in the lawn chairs...looks like a couple of cute old men :)
And now it looks like Blake needed a little alone tome to relax...ha! What a doll.
We are so lucky to have Blake at such an awesome school. I know that he really enjoys it there and looks forward to going on the three days a week that he goes. It's so nice knowing that he is in such good hands...and he is learning so much too!!



Ashley said...

What a great idea! If I ever put K in daycare, I want them to have something like this or live video. I am SO paranoid, that it's not even funny!

Keli said...

So sweet! love all the photos. And how cool that they put them up for the parents to see.

Just Add Walter said...

oh my word his girlfriend is SO ADORABLE! I love that they take pictures of him throughout the day - that is such a great idea!!

Stephanie said...

That's cool that they have a website and you can see pics - love them all!

Miss Chelsea said...

I wish I could have a beach party like this at my work! hah!

jenn said...

so cute of him and his little gf!!

Shannon said...

So funny that you call your lil' a ladies' man! I'm cracking up! I'm so afraid to ever leave GG. I'm going to have to get over this...baby steps though, right!?

Scientific Housewife said...

These pictures are adorable and it's so funny he already has a "girlfriend". Ladies man indeed! :)

Annie said...

such cute pictures of blake and his gf! ;) looks like his little school is a fun place for him to spend the day :) he looks so happy there.

The Undomestic Mom said...

so cute!!!! thats awesome that you found such a great day care!

TLF said...

That's adorable!!
John Noah tells me he has a girlfriend. And her name is Mary Jane. (Spiderman) It's funny, he calls all the girls in his class MJ. Obsessed much? LOL

Anonymous said...

Cute blog! your son is adorable!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Ok, could that pic of them chillin' in there lawn chairs be any cuter??

New Mommy!!! said...

That's great that they post those on the website. I would be checkign it constantly. It's awesome that they even have a website. Our provider sometimes sends me texts pictures of Nik.

I LOVE the pic of him sitting int he lawn chair. Your hubs must think that is hilarious, ha!