Thursday, September 2, 2010

Pregnancy: Week 24

DATE: September 2, 2010

How far along: 24 weeks
Total Weight Gained: 16 pounds

How big is baby: By the end of this week, the baby will be weighing around 2 lbs and will be about 14 inches long.
From Baby's now the size of a papaya! Baby's skin is becoming more opaque as the fat starts to pack on. And, thanks to the formation of small capillaries, her newly thick skin is taking on a fresh pink glow.

Maternity Clothes: Yes! I started wearing some of my maternity pants this week…but still wearing regular shirts (the longer ones)

Sleep: pretty good….but Blake is still getting up at 6:00 a.m. this week, so we are a little tired!!
Best Moment of the Week: Had a dr. appt. on Wednesday. Everything looks good and we are right on target!

Movement: yes…she is QUITE the mover…always flipping around.

Food Craving: oh just EVERYTHING…but still not much meat (if any)

Food Aversions: meat

Morning Sickness: nope….

Gender: It’s a GIRL!!...
Symptoms: none this week…feeling great!

What I miss: hmmmm….wearing some of my “skinny” clothes I guess

What I'm looking forward to: just continuing to feel good…and counting down the weeks! 112 days left!

And one more picture....b/c Blake really doesnt understand why all of the pictures are of me and not him...he stands there and poses for his turn too :)
(dont mind the mis-matched jammies!!)


Shelley said...

Aww now I can see your little belly bump!! So cute!!!

Anonymous said...

Such a cute bump! Congrats! :o)

Annie said...

oh my gosh, you are SOOOO CUTE!!
of course blake is adorable as well :)

jenn said...

cute little belly

Aly @ Analyze This said...

You look so freakin' adorable!! Love all these bumpdates!

Paige said...

That baby belly is bitty! You are precious!!!

Melissa said...

You look so cute!

Stephanie said...

Oh Blake is adorable!

You are so cute pregnant!!! I never carried it as well.

Scientific Housewife said...

He's so cute and you are still so tiny! You look great :)

Shannon said...

So glad you don't have morning sickness! You look great (as usual!).

Meagan said...

I love all your outfits in the pics you take!

Perfectly Jenn said...

I'm so behind and just now catching up!
Love your belly girl! You look so great!