Thursday, April 2, 2009

Weekly weigh-in…

SOOO I weighed in last night at WW, and to my (somewhat) surprise I was down a bit….I do mean a tiny BIT. I lost .6lbs. SO, I was a little frustrated, and a little pumped at the same time. I have been seeing at least A lb. a week, so to get less than that is a bummer…BUT as I mentioned yesterday, I really want sure if I was going to lose ANYTHING. My total amt. lost is up to 16.4…and that sounds like a pretty big hunk of chub (gross way to term it…but whatev)! I am motivated for another week now…MUST work out this evening for the first time ALL week!


Anonymous said...

any bit is a good thing!


Visiting from SITS

Pam said...

Visiting from SITS. Think about .6 weight loss as two sticks of butter! Not so bad, right?