Thursday, May 26, 2011

Jiggle Challenge

Weight Loss Challenge

I lost 0.8 pounds this week
That brings my total to 4.2 pounds during this challenge for a total of 2.74%

**I have now lost 14.6 pounds since Jan. 19th for a grand total of 8.91%**

Overall I was hoping to do better during this challenge…BUT, a loss is a loss, and at least I am headed in the right direction, huh?!

I am now 2.2 pounds from being “free” at weight watchers, and 4.2 pounds from returning to my ww Lifetime goal! These last few pounds have been the hardest!!

I know that the challenge is over…but I am going to continue to post my weight loss on a weekly basis to keep me motivated and accountable.

...until next week...



Rachel said...

Awesome! Way to go on your loss!! I think you are doing amazing and good luck in your future weight loss!

Lori said...

Haha I love the title "jiggle challenge" too funny :)

Congratulations on your weight loss-- very inspiring for me!

Ashley said...

Yay! That's awesome!

Neely said...

You are doing so great!

TLF said...

you go, girlfriend!!