Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Nice afternoon for a stroll
Friday, May 27, 2011
Snacking Cousins
The kids had fun hanging out outside and playing. I got a few pics of Blake and cousin Addy while they sat down for a snack. Other than this, they were running around like crazy-kids!! I said I got pics...I did NOT say that I got good pics. It is impossible to get these kids (2 and 2.5) to look at the camera!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Jiggle Challenge

I lost 0.8 pounds this week
That brings my total to 4.2 pounds during this challenge for a total of 2.74%
**I have now lost 14.6 pounds since Jan. 19th for a grand total of 8.91%**
Overall I was hoping to do better during this challenge…BUT, a loss is a loss, and at least I am headed in the right direction, huh?!
I am now 2.2 pounds from being “free” at weight watchers, and 4.2 pounds from returning to my ww Lifetime goal! These last few pounds have been the hardest!!
I know that the challenge is over…but I am going to continue to post my weight loss on a weekly basis to keep me motivated and accountable.
...until next week...
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
I Go Feeeshing!!

Monday, May 23, 2011
My Style Monday

I am linking up with Lindsey today for My Style Monday!

Work outfit:
Dress: Kohls Casual Work Outfit:

Thursday, May 19, 2011
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
My babies are growing up!
Blake is turning into such a little boy! He isn’t a baby anymore. I cannot believe that he will be 2 and a ½ in less than a month! Sometimes I feel like he was JUST born!
His communication skills are awesome. He is talking so much now. It is so nice because now we know what he wants!! He is very polite and uses his “please” and “thank-you’s” freely!
He is sleeping good again. Usually from 8:30 p.m. until 8:00 a.m.
He is LOVING school. No more issues in the morning getting him up and around and out the door. Makes my mornings SO much easier!
He has a pretty good appetite and will eat most things….but hamburgers, fries, cheeto’s, and popsicles are at the top of his list…if only he could just live off of those 4 things…ha! Also loves anything with “dip” (ranch usually).
He is so tall and skinny. He is still in a size 4 diaper, with no real signs of being ready to potty train. Maybe this summer.
He wears mostly size 24 mo. clothing. Starting to get into 2T shirts…but could still wear 18 mo. pants, but they are too short now. He wears a size 7 shoe.
LOVES his nana, and wants to go to “nana’s house” every single day.
Still loves his cartoons…especially Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Pirates, Backyardigans…anything with music. He is also still obsessed with Toy Story.
He is VERY sweet to his sister and is getting protective of her as well.
Olivia is doing GREAT. She is growing like crazy and getting so strong. She is still the sweetest thing ever. SUCH a great baby.
She weighs about 12 pounds now. Still a peanut…but getting bigger.
She is outgrowing 3 month clothing in length, so we are using some 6 month, but those are a little big.
She is still in size 1-2 diapers, but we will switch to size 2 next!
She has started eating Rice Cereal…but doesn’t quite have the hang of it yet. I am hoping she gets it soon, because she is waking up 3+ times a night to eat! I am not really complaining, because I am glad that she is finally eating a lot….but I am hoping that it will be mostly during the day soon :).
She has the cutest belly laugh ever that just warms my heart. She gets a big kick out of everything and will laugh if you just look at her!
My mom got her a new excer-saucer and she loves to sit in that and look around!
I LOVE having my girl and dressing her up as cute as can be.

Thursday, May 12, 2011
Jiggle Challenge - Week 6

I can't believe that we are into the 6th week of the Jiggle Challenge already. Those past 6 weeks have flown by! I was hoping to have better results at this point...BUT, I am headed in the right direction...so that is good!
This week I lost 0.8 pounds (not quite the 1.0 I was aiming for). That brings me to 3.4 pounds during this challenge for a total of 2.22%
*As of today I have lost a total of 13.8 pounds since January 18th for a grand total of 8.42%.*
I am still aiming to loose a pound a week for the remainder of the month of May. Since I didn't reach that this week, I hope to loose 1.2 in the coming week to make up for my shortcoming!
We have walked to the park the past two nights....the warmer weather that we are finally getting will help me to be able to get outside with the kids and to get more active!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
What I'm Loving Wednesday

We are looking forward to going on more walks and getting everyone some fresh air.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Olivia Kay!!
Last week we went to her pediatrician for her 4 month well visit (although she is almost 5 months now)...we are a little behind on these visits. She still weighs below the 5th percentile...but she is in the 50-75th for height and 25-50th for head.
She is almost outgrowing her 3 month clothing because she is so long! She is still in size 1 diapers. She still eats about 4 oz. every 4 hours...but we are starting on some rice cereal. She doesn't quite get it yet, but will with some practice!
She still wakes up a couple of times a night...but I am ok with that, because it is just to eat and then back down.
She can roll over....but prefers to be on her back all of the time. She has great head and neck control! She smiles ALL of the time..and laughs a ton! It just melts my heart!