Thursday, February 25, 2010

I have 2 words....


I pretty much felt all giddy like a junior high girl again as he was singing on Americal Idol last night. What is it about this guy. I mean seriously...he is not drop dead gorg or an amazing singer...but there is just something about him.

he got my vote last night...x 10!



Just Add Walter said...

haha... there is definitely something about him! I love him too!

Stacy said...

Thanks for coming to my blog and entering my giveaway! I thought Casey did a great job last night - loved his performance! However, I don't get all the fuss! I don't think he's THAT great looking!

Manda said...

Me too!! there is something about him!!!

Susan said...

Yep! Don't know what it is but he's got "it" :)))

Paige said...

Casey did wonderful last night -- although, I'm not sure what Kyra is all drooling over. When he took his shirt off, it was a turn off rather than turn on! haha!

Laura@The Oily Cupboard said...

ha ha...i was busy with kids and it was playing in the background..i think when it gets to the top 12 is when i really pic favorites!

Scientific Housewife said...

I totally feel you on that, there is something about him!

Brandi said...

I like him too.

The Undomestic Mom said...

I like him too! And Michael, Andrew and Lee...haha I have a big list for the guys but not for the girls!

Kitchen Belleicious said...

Oh my fav show is american idol. something about listening to great singers sing their heart out as they try for their dream gives me chills.however, i am no singer so i stick to my cooking. Love your site- just found it and its not only cute but you and your family are to die for. What a wonderful pair you make and your boy is around my boys age- my baby is my blessing- isn't being a mom the best. I truly hope to keep in touch with you. If you even need anything please shoot me an email. Oh- I am also doing a great Lisa Lenoard giveaway at my blog so come and enter if you are interested! and my email is! talk to you later! XO

Juliana said...

Ha ha ha! Me too! I love him and Andrew sooo much!