DATE: July 29, 2010
How far along: 19 weeks
Total Weight Gained: 9 pounds
(whoops…BIG week…gained 2 pounds…gonna have to keep that in check :))
Maternity Clothes: Wore maternity capri’s for the first time this pregnancy yesterday…it was a little premature. I was hiking them up all day long.
The rubber band trick on my regular pants works better for now!!
Sleep: good….but last night I was up at least 5 times to go potty!
Best Moment of the Week: Got to watch the little peanut moving around for about 45 minutes during the “big” Ultra Sound!!
Movement: yes…feeling little nudges every now and then!
Food Craving: STILL diet coke :(….lots of it….preferably fountain, and preferably BIG….which is sad since I can’t have it! Also fruity candy like skittles, nerds, gummies, sour patch kids.
Food Aversions: meat still…small doses are ok, but it doesn’t sounds great overall.
Morning Sickness: nope!
Gender: IDK…Ryan is ready to know and wants to find out. I still go back and forth!!
Symptoms: lower back is hurting a teensy bit this week.
What I miss: caffeine…lots of it!
What I'm looking forward to: Knowing the gender….