Friday, April 2, 2010

Friday Flashback

I have had a couple of friends post some OLD pictures of me back in the high school days on facebook lately. Um...embarassing....but hey, what the heck. I don't have any older pictures as digital files, so I only post new pictures on my blog....maybe have to look back and scan a few more so I can share them on here :)

The first is form my cheerleading days. Ummmm...hello: pasty white skin, slicked back hair...and we wont even start on those eye brows!! lol
I was a cheerleader all though high school...and it was a BIG deal. Not to brag, but we were state someone asked me to do the splits or a toe-touch now I would probably pull some major muscles and end up in traction!
This is from homecoming my senior year...I TOTALLY remember this day like it was yesterday. Oh I thought that I was pretty cool being on the homecoming court and riding in that sweet ride in the homecoming parade....oh man, those were the days!!
It has been 12 years since I graduated from high school (that is embarrassing in itself) I sure did have fun....but I wouldn't want to go back!! Thank God that I have learned a thing or two about how to do my hair and makeup since these photos... :)


Mama B said...

What high school did you cheer for?? I was a cheerleader in high school, too! I wonder if we ever competed against each other? lol ;)

Jamie said...

I love looking at old pictures :) I liked high school too but wouldn't want to go back! Have a great weekend :)

Mama B said...

Ooops! Nevermind...haha. For some reason I thought you were from CT, too. I think I always get you and another blog that I follow mixed up. Sorry!

Patience said...

Love the old pics. I too was on homecoming court and pretty sure we rode in the same kind of car.

TheFitHousewife said...

Great pics! I love looking at old pictures, they bring back so many memories! However, the hair, makeup, and clothes....YIKES!

Shannon said...

Cute! Love pulling out (and posting) old pictures! Happy Easter!

Jordan said...

I was a cheerleader all throughout high school as well. It was not a big deal at my school. In fact, most people made fun of cheerleaders.