Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Dreary Days...

Well, we sure have had a coupe of dreary days here in mid-MI. It is so dark and wet...just makes you want to stay in bed...but I guess that isn't an option!!

I took this picture yesterday evening at about 6 o'clock. Look how foggy it was! You can barely see the soccer team across the street practicing at the park!!
Wet, wet, rained on and off all day....and was still rainy this a.m. when we woke up. I hear that it is supposed to rain for another day or so and then hopefully we see some sunshine!!
Until the sun pops out...this is what we will be doing....just looking out the window! Can't wait until we can get back outside and into our evening walking routine. Ryan has still been running outside...but it is just way to damp for Blake and I to get out there :)
This rain will green everything up though...that is the only good news to come out of it! I bet we will need to mow the lawn for the first time of the season after this!! That means summer is on the way!!


Shelley said...

Hi! I found you through Megs :-) Just wanted to stop by and see your blog real quick. Cute little boy!

Working Mommy said...

It might be raining, but look at those pretty pink buds on the tree!!


Neely said...

Blakes little face makes me smile :)

TheFitHousewife said...

Actually, I'm jealous! I wish it would rain here. Everything is so brown and's ugly. But I know how you feel, rain is kinda depressing!

Juliana said...

I really like your pictures even though it has been raining and you guys are ready to jump outside in some sunshine. Sending you a ray of sun from snowy, yet sunny Colorado!

Molly said...

how cute is he in those jammies!!

Samantha said...

Right there with you! I think we've filled our yearly rain quota in the last two weeks here in Washington!

Lyryn said...

Days like that make me want to stay in bed too. I love the pictures!

The Undomestic Mom said...

just looking at that weather makes me sleepy!

Jamie said...

Days like that make me want to stay in bed too! That picture of Black looking outside is SO cute :)

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Summer is already here in Florida! Blake is such a cutie!

Lauren said...

You're son is a doll! I know how you feel about the dreary weather!! It was sunny here for the 1st day in like a week

Melissa said...

I hope it dries off and gets nice out soon!

KW said...

your little muffin peering out the window is TOO CUTE!

Ashley said...

Dreary least it gives you an excuse to stay inside (thats at least what I say) Although I would prefer to be outside ! Don't worry...the nice hot weather will come soon enough! :)

New Mommy!!! said...

Ugh...hope the sun comes out for you and that rain dries up. You are right about it bringing good things though...;0).

Loved the photos though!