I have been SO bad at taking pictures lately. I promise to get better this week!! I did snap one (bad) picture of my little Christmas Angel in front of the tree this past weekend!!

I can't believe that in ONE WEEK he will be 2!! Fastest 2 years of my life!!
Happy almost birthday little man :)
what a cutie! he must be so ready to be a big brother!
awww he is so cute!
He's still adorable blurry!
Happy almost 2! I'm with ya, where does the time go?
Hope this week finds you feeling well!
Ooh he's getting so big!
time is flying bye!!
Aww, he's so cute! He is growing up fast!
Great Picture! I just haven't been taking pics lately. I miss it! My computer situation has me so sad! I hope we will be able to upl;oad photos soon! This is so sweet!
Can't believe Blakey is almost 2 either, Wow! 2 and one almost here! Great timing!
I can't believe he is almost 2 and I can't believe you are going to be a mommy of two sooo soon!
Two already? Wow!
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