Monday, October 25, 2010

Halloween costume?! Maybe not.....

I'm not so sure that we are going to be able to dress-up for Halloween this year. Blake wants NOTHING to do with wearing any sort of costume.

I few weeks ago he was obsessed with I thought that would be the perfect costume! He makes the cutest little ahh-ahh, ohh-ohh monkey I ordered him this costume from Old Navy. NOPE....he wont even let me try it on him without pitching a fit!! Sad, because it is so cute!!
He is also slightly obsessed with cowboys, horsies, hats, etc. so when my mom say this costume she thought that he would love it. Nope...wont have anything to do with this one either!! It is so cute too....but we might not get to use either costume!!

I am hoping that when he sees some other kids dressed up that maybe he will get the concept and want to join in?! I don't know...maybe that just isn't our year!!
Last year Blake was the cutest little pumpkin ever...but he was too young to protest then :)



Jessica said...

Maybe he will let you put it on him for actual Halloween. I have the opposite problem. Riley won't let me take his costume off!

Candice Pair said...

Take it with you and he'll wear it when he sees other kids doing it! Presley did not want to wear hers when I told her to a little harvest fest a few weekends ago, but as soon as she saw my bff's little boy in his, she wanted it on asap!! Thats just the way they are at this age ha! Both are so cute, too!!

The Undomestic Mom said...

aww I hope he lets you dress him up! Im worried R wont wear hers either!

Keli said...

Love the pumpkin outfit! so cute!

Annie said...

aw! so cute, he was such a cute little pumpkin last year!
i hope he dresses up this year!! my nephew went through that phase last year, he was 2, he would not dress up! and the year before when he was one, he threw a huge fit when putting his costume on but once he had it on he was ok. this year i think he is actually excited about dressing up.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

We got the dude a spider costume from PBK. He loooooves looking at it, but when we try to put it on him he freaks. Crossing my fingers that something will change by Sun. HA!

Becca said...

Oh no! That totally stinks that he want let you get those adorable costumes on him. We have the exact opposite problem with Autumn, she wont take her's off!

He sure was one cute little pumpkin though!

TheFitHousewife said...

I had the same problem when my oldest was 2. He would not wear a costume! He was scared of it I think. But when I told him that he gets candy when he wears it, he wouldn't take it off!!!