Thursday, May 27, 2010
I've been MIA

Thursday, May 20, 2010
Mommy and Me pictures....
As mentioned Blake and I had our little photo shoot on Tuesday night...and he was TERRIBLE. Such a pistol the whole time. Literally throwing a fit. I didn't think that we would get any good shots....BUT, low and behold...we did. Miranda at MP Photography is amazing. She was so patient and sweet with Blake. I was humiliated by the way that he acted...but looking at these 4 'sneak peek's' that she posted..you would have never know what a little terror Blake was :)
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
I've been a bad blogger....
I just haven't been posting lately....or taking ANY pictures. Not sure what it going on. Guess I am in a funk.
SO...what have we been up to?
SO...what have we been up to?
- Celebrated my mom's birthday on Monday! We to lunch at her fav restaurant...we are still planning on dinner sometime, but have been so busy.
- Blake turned 17 months last Thursday...and I didnt even do a post!! (bad mama)
- Blake and I got our pictures taken last night. It was a disaster! If the poor photographer got one good picture I will be shocked! I guess Blake just wasn't in the mood!
- Took Blake in for his allergy follow-up today. Doc says he is doing MUCH better...and looks good. We can take him off some of the meds...just going to stick with the nasal inhaler for now and see if that works! Thank goodness.
- I could not believe how much he weighed...23 lbs. 7 oz! That seems so big to me! Doc still wants to keep him on the pediasure for a bit to help with the weigh gain and growth.
- The weather looks like it is finally getting better...so hopefully we can enjoy some time outside!
Here are a few older pictures. These are from cousin Addy's 1st Birthday party...impossible to get a picture of these little wiggle worms right now...
And another for a couple of weeks ago...when Blake still had his curls :)
Monday, May 17, 2010
Up All Night!!

We were at my parents house on Friday, so my poor mother was up all night with him…bless her heart!! Saturday we were home…
He is so stinking smart…giving him medicine is almost impossible. I have tried all of the tricks…but nothing works…and he holds the medicine in his mouth and then just spits it all out. I just pray that he is getting a little…and that it is enough to make a difference!!
Friday, May 14, 2010
Blake's Trip to the Barbershop!
As mentioned yesterday, Blake had his 1st real haircut!! He looks like such a big boy now. My dad wanted him to go down to the Broadway Barbershop where all of the men go for their haircuts. Yesterday we met my dad down there, so he could help us out!!
Here is the mop beforehand!!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Chelsea tagged me to participate in a photo game.
The rules are:
1. Go to your photos files and select the 8th photo folder.
2. Select the 8th photo in that folder.
3. Post that photo along with the story behind it.
4. Then challenge 8 blogging friends to do the same
The rules are:
1. Go to your photos files and select the 8th photo folder.
2. Select the 8th photo in that folder.
3. Post that photo along with the story behind it.
4. Then challenge 8 blogging friends to do the same

Now I tag:
1. Francis at the Fick Family Blog
2. Ashley at the Thames Trio
3. Terri at Peace Love and Applesauce
4. Paige at Mommy and Charli
5. Samantha at Sink or Swim
6. Heather at Step Inside...
7. Annie at Chapters of our Life
8. Stefanie at Lexie Loo & Dylan Too

Bye-Bye sweet curls....
Say farewell to these sweet soft blonde curls. We got Blake hair cut for the first time today (besides a few snips that I did myself when needed). I did take some pictures, but I have not loaded them yet. I will post them later.
It was a little bitter sweet to see those sweet curls fall to the ground. He looks like such a big boy with his short hair.....it really does look so much better. He did a GREAT job at the barber shop....yes we took him to the barber shop. He sat there on my dad's lap with all of the other men, and took it like a man. I was so proud of him. Our baby is growing up.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Wedding Wednesday
I just checked...these are pictures 88-92 of over 400....seriously....we have SO many wedding pictures. I love that we got copyright release of our pictures...b/c I love to go back and look at them. It would have been nerve wracking to have to pick them all right after the wedding and place an order!!

Me and my daddy-kins.....

Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Actually cutie-NO-pants...since all of these pics are taken of little Blake with NO pants on...but he is still SO cute....and SOOO smart. It's amazing what he learns each day!
Last night Ryan as mowing the lawn. Blake could hear him...so he moved in little airplane over to the window and climbed right up for a better view!
Every time that Ry would pass by t he window Blake would yell "DAAAAAAA"
Poor Ry....it probably took him SO much longer than necessary...he had to keeping stopping and waving and his little #1 fan!
I just thought that it was so sweet...so I didn't stop him!!
The things this kid puts together every day is amazing..he is getting so smart :)
Last night Ryan as mowing the lawn. Blake could hear him...so he moved in little airplane over to the window and climbed right up for a better view!

Blake brought each item (one by one) from the hamper in his bedroom into the laundry room and placed it by the washing machine....think that he is trying to give me a hint!? He's too smart for his own good....I told him it wasn't time for laundry...he then took it all back to the hamper (one by one...socks and all)!! Bless his little heart!
Monday, May 10, 2010
Weekend Re-Cap
Well....3 days after taking care of my sick baby....this mama got what he had! We went to my parents house after work on Friday b/c my mom was just getting in from Boulder. I was feeling kind of weak, but I assumed that it was just from a long day at work.
I got home and went right to bed...at about 5am I woke up and I was sicker than a dog!! It was terrible. I seriously had to stay in bed ALL DAY long on Saturday. Poor Ryan and Blake had to fend for themselves. Actually, Ryan does a GREAT job with Blake and I am sure that he didn't even miss me!
Sunday I woke up feeling a little bit better....but still pretty weak. Blake and Ry surprised me with a couple of new charms for my Pandora bracelet...and the sweetest card ever! I am so spoiled. We went to my parents and Ryan's parents...where I pretty much just say on the couch!
I am so lucky to be the mom of the most perfect little boy in the world. I just love him SO much...and having your own child brings a whole new meaning to Mother's Day.

I am at work this morning...still feeling a little tired and icky...but nothing that I cant handle!! Hoping that I am back to normal tomorrow!!
I hope all of you other mothers had a great day yesterday!!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Back to normal!!
Blake's little stomach bug is gone...praise the Lord!! He is back to his cute/crazy little self today. Times when Blake is sick make be so thankful that he isn't REALLY sick. I don't know how parents of sick children handle it! I guess you would handle it when needed...but just one day of sickness for sweet Blaker had me all in a tizzy! I just worry so much about him!!
Last time that we were in for Blake's well-visit his ped had us start on Pediasure to help him gain weight. The poor kid was in the 5th percentile for weight. We didn't want him to be a runt!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Sick Babe...
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Molly Maid's...
Blaker is SUCH a little helper these days....HA.....wel, at least he tries. He is obsessed with vacuums, mops, brooms...all household cleaning items. This has actually been on obsession for awhile now. We got him a little vacuum for Christmas so he could help around the house.
Here he is....helping my mom vacuum!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Really quick....
I have been a bad blogger...and don't have much time to post today...however wanted to post a few pictures that I took on Saturday night of the sunset. The sky was awesome...hot pink!!
This was taken right on my parents deck.
Looks like a postcard!!

We had a good weekend..I had Friday off, so I am busy catching up at work today. Hopefully I am feeling back on track tomorrow! I have lots of pictures of our nice Addy's 1st birthday party to post. Blake had a great time celebrating with cousin Addy :)
Check it out!!

I am headed out to dinner tonight with the fam. Sister leaves tomorrow to move back to Colorado. I don't think that it has hit me yet...but we sure will miss her :(
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