Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Winter fun

This is our first full winter in our new home...and the home has an added bonus....a sledding hill right in the back yard!!  These pictures were taken in November after the 1st snowfall.  We since have gotten a better base for sledding!!
Little Liv checking out the hill...
My Blaker...the hill is pretty big...and fast!

Daddy and Liv ready to head down!!

My boys :)

Blake isn't sure about going himself...you can see by the snow on his hat that he did a face-plant, or two!! ha.

 wheeee....at the bottom of the hill!

 If only we didn't have to walk back UP the hill!!

Blake is so proud of his snowman....first one of the season!

1 comment:

Becca said...

So much fun! I bet they will have a blast on that hill all winter and for many years to come. Love Blakes little snowman!

My parents house has a lake across the street with a huge hill that I can't wait to take my girls down but I'm not sure if we will even get any snow this winter! It's crazy to see blogs posting pictures of snow when it was 70 plus degrees yesterday!