My littlest is 4 months old already. How does that happen so quickly?
She continues to be the best baby in the entire world (maybe
I am biased). She NEVER cries, always
smiles, and just lights up our lives!
She is smiling, laughing, grabbing things, coo’ing.
She wakes up once or twice a night, but just to eat.
She wears a size 2 diaper.
Size 6 mo. clothing. She eats
about 3-4 oz. about every 3-4 hours.
She had her 4 month well visit this week and weighed in at a
whopping 15lbs. 9 ox. (75th percentile). Her head measured 16 1/8 (25th percentile)
and she was 25 ½ inches tall (50th percentile).
We just love this little muchkin!!