Monday, January 12, 2009

Back to school…

Today was Ryan’s first day back to school. He had to leave at about 7am. Blake woke up then, and was up for most of the morning after that. Pat and my mom came over to visit before lunch.

After Ry got home from class I went and ran some errands…things are coming together good for the wedding plans…today I got stuff in order to send out the save the date cards. My goal is to have those in the mail this week.

Tony and Megan came over for dinner this evening…it was nice to see them. Tony thought that he was getting big…Megan still thought he was tiny and was nervous to hold him at first…but that didn’t last long, she Blake cuddled right up on her :o).

B playing on the ground...he loves to streach out and will lay on the ground for hours!

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